Below is a list of the types of events we offer at the Senior Center. To find out about the specific events that are going on at the center now, check out our newsletter.
Apprentice for Life Lecture Series - This lecture series provides an eclectic offering of speakers on a variety of topics. They are always offered at no cost however reservations are required.
Day Trips
On these trips, we are gone all day! We rent a motor coach and travel throughout Michigan, northern Indiana and into Chicago. Past day trips included: A trip to Chicago to see Hamilton, our Annual Color Tour in northern Michigan, sailing in Suttons Bay, and our Annual Brown Bag Mystery Trip*.
*These custom trips are planned, from scratch, just for Northview Senior Citizens! The Brown Bag Mystery Trip is to small Michigan towns and we enjoy some shopping at locally owned businesses, a cultural aspect and a wonderful lunch. A “brown bag” is given to each participant in the morning which is for the gifts that are given by partnered businesses that have been pre-arranged. These brown bag gifts are always consumable because none of us need more stuff! These trips sell out in days and are usually scheduled for August or September. Watch for the offerings in the newsletters!
*These custom trips are planned, from scratch, just for Northview Senior Citizens! The Brown Bag Mystery Trip is to small Michigan towns and we enjoy some shopping at locally owned businesses, a cultural aspect and a wonderful lunch. A “brown bag” is given to each participant in the morning which is for the gifts that are given by partnered businesses that have been pre-arranged. These brown bag gifts are always consumable because none of us need more stuff! These trips sell out in days and are usually scheduled for August or September. Watch for the offerings in the newsletters!
We have a variety of classes to enrich your life. We offer cooking demos, educational programming, classes to get your creative juices flowing, and more! Every newsletter offers a different set of classes.
We go on a variety of local outings, usually by mini-bus, around the Greater Grand Rapids area. Past outings include Walking Tours, The Kent County Waste to Energy plant, LIFE EMS, Lunch and a tour at Founder's Brewing, Senior Living Community Tours, and visits to area museums.
Monthly Luncheons
Each month we offer a luncheon at the center with entertainment following the meal. Each luncheon begins at noon and concludes around 1:45 p.m. Reservations and pre-payment are necessary. They tend to sell out so make your reservations as soon as they are advertised! Each monthly luncheon costs $8 except for November and December which are $9 each. December luncheons are off-site to a larger location to ensure everyone who wants to be in community during the holiday season is not turned away.
Book Club
We partner with Kent District Library by utilizing Book Club in a Bag. A new book is given out at each meeting to be discussed at the next meeting. You do not have to buy a book or go to the library. Please contact us, for more information.
Movie and a Meal
This group meets monthly at a movie theatre (usually Celebration Cinema North) and goes out to eat at various area restaurants. The chairperson checks movie availability the week of the event. She also chooses a restaurant and then emails the information to the list of interested members. She calls those who don’t have email. Typically, a group of 10-20 attends. Contact us to be added to the list.
Resources Available at the Center
- Tax Prep We are no longer a VITA tax prep site due to inadequate volunteer staffing by the VITA program. Please call 211 (United Way) to find other resources.
- Attorney Consultation Free 30-minute consultation. By appointment only.
- Realtor Consultation Free 30-minute consultation. By appointment only.